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UK Study Tour

































Harold Wong 8C


There is a Chinese saying, “I have been waiting for so long that my neck has become longer.” That was how much I anticipated for the UK study tour. In fact, I found it even better than my expectations and it was truly a mesmerizing experience for me.


The UK study tour was an adventurous challenge. Independence and discipline were required and this made us more mature.


The tour was also a friendship booster. In free time during the trip, we were told to travel in groups. At night, we were all in rooms of three to five people. We were completely new to the dormitory life in Stanborough School. Communication and team management were encouraged and after the trip, we have become much closer with each other.


The tour also exposed us to England’s history. London is a rich bank of history. Every single brick on the street might be older than us. Statues of kings and queens can be found all over the streets, college towns, museums and historical sites. Coincidentally, as we were there during the Remembrance Day and the 100th anniversary of World War One, the history of war had been mentioned throughout the entire trip and this also contributed to our academic studies.


Much obliged to teachers from both Stanborough School and our school for their care and dedication in this trip. Shalom to England.


Cherry Yung 8D


Overall, the trip was delightful. The most joyous thing was I got to know more about most of the girls in the dormitory. Everyone there was friendly. We got to communicate and know each other more. Also, this trip really widened my horizons. I have learnt about the architecture and culture of UK. One thing that I adored the most was although the UK is ancient, it is still interesting and appealing and its own style endures.


My favourite place of all was Cambridge. The university and streets matched perfectly with the grassland and people. It was fascinating.The environment – the grasslands, the trees outside the school – was calming; you would love to spend your whole day there. Importantly, these experiences could not be found in Hong Kong. Therefore we should truly be grateful for this opportunity.


Charlie Yau 8F


I think the most significant part throughout this study tour was how much the relationship among our classmates strengthened. We used to be strangers as we have switched classes this year, but because of this study tour, now we are all buddies and we care more about each other. Although there were times when we had some disagreement, we went through these challenges together and I am sure that we now understand each other more.


One of my favourite places was the Hampton court. The gardens were very beautiful compared to those in Hong Kong. There were flowers along the paths that stretched for miles. The birds’ chirping seemed to welcome autumn to pass by. Kissed by the autumn breeze, I felt very relaxed.


Time cannot bring us back to the UK and repeat our favourite time, but there is nothing for us to regret and this study tour is definitely one that I will never forget. Hopefully this bond among us will never break!






杜詠晴 八甲




    英國是一個充滿歷史氣息的國家,不論是街道的名稱或是房屋的結構、樣貌都見證著她色彩繽紛的歷史。因此,我們拜訪了許多歷史價值極高的景點,包括劍橋、牛津、漢普頓宮、倫敦塔、坎特伯雷座堂和白金漢官等。在眾多的景點中,最令我嘆為觀止的無疑是環球劇場。該劇場是重建的,但是我們仍然可以從不同的方向和角度細看舞台的最初設計。透過親眼目睹劇場的結構和佈局,我能從中聯想到四百年前莎士比亞的戲劇上映情況,亦深刻地感受到劇場所擁有的悠久歷史 。「讀萬卷書不如行萬里路」這說法,的確沒錯!







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