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Written by Mr.Horgan


The Environment Club

The environment club has certainly been busy this academic year not just maintaining the current garden but also relocating parts of it up to the roof, and in the process providing a splash of green to the concrete landscape.


There was a sense of urgency about proceedings when the Environment club first met early in the term as October is often a busy time for gardeners in Hong Kong, coming as it does at the end of the rainy season. Luckily, the environment club was welcoming a group of new members from Year 6 who brought with them lots of enthusiasm and a willingness to get their hands dirty. Clearing out the pond , weeding, watering, removing dead leaves and sticks and planting seeds were all some of the activities which kept club members occupied over the first few months.


In 2016, the club continues to put their green fingers to work and are currently planning to build a Keyhole garden on the roof under the creative guidance of Ms. Sillence. Having a roof top garden also provides the young gardeners with another bonus …. No monkeys eating all they produce!


From a personal perspective, the environment club has been a welcome respite from the confines of the Virtual Environment of the computer lab into the open air environment in the surrounds of the school!


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