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I am sure that every time you visit a Japanese restaurant, you hear the term “irasshaimase” (いらっしゃいませ), which means “Welcome” in Japanese. Nowadays, the Japanese language is commonly used abroad, from inter-family conversation to a flavorful sushi restaurant. Japanese is widely recognized in the global society.


What is interesting about Japanese culture? 日本文化はどうして面白いのか?

Japanese culture is absolutely intriguing. Traditions such as the regular diet, customary accommodation, clothing, the Japanese culture etc., have successfully permeated the international society. Take “takoyaki” as an example, this ball-shaped Japanese snack made from flour and octopus legs is very popular. The “takoyaki” was originally popularized in Osaka, and then the rest of the world. It is now so popular to the extent that many people around the globe have had a taste of it. Isn’t it amazing how such a culture can spread so far and wide?!

What have we been up to? どんな活動しているのか?


This year, our goal for the Japanese Culture Club is to build on the accomplishments from previous years when we studied different aspects of the Japanese culture, including the food and anime. This year, Ms. Yip is our new club advisor, supporting us with her knowledge of the Japanese culture. The Club exposes students to the Japanese culture and language, with a mix of interesting topics and activities planned to promote an interest in and an understanding of Japan.


Our aim this year? 今年の目標とは?


Under the supervision of Ms. Yip, the club leadership team is dedicated to sharing with its members the Japanese culture and traditions. We feel that it is important to raise students' awareness of Japanese as an important language in the 21st century, especially in Asia. In the future we hope to promote the possibility of having Japanese (as a second language course) as an IGCSE option.


What is special about our Club? この研究会の何が特別のか?


We aspire to share our knowledge of the many different aspects of the Japanese culture. The Japanese Club this year will no doubt be one of the most popular clubs among all other clubs, as we work to combine anime, language, arts, fashion etc. to attract junior students and share our love of the Japanese culture.


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